Icarus Is It Better To Play It Safe Or To Try To Achieve Your Loftiest, Craziest Goals?

Icarus Is it better to play it safe or to try to achieve your loftiest, craziest goals? <br />


the latter, try to achieve your loftiest, craziest goals


Some people are simply not wired to stick to the norm, however, there are also some people contented with the ways things are. This is a matter of opinion but it would be good to displace the what ifs people commonly experience at the late stage. The hunting of regret and endless possibilities eats at people who are scared to take the risk, to take their chance.

There will always be the weighing of pros and cons. Remember, change is constant. Playing safe does not guarantee no change but possibly minimal disruption to your norm. Whereas trying to achieve your craziest, loftiest goals also do not guarantee immediate success or imminent failure. The relevant thing here is the effort. This is where you tell yourself, at least you tried.


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